Trying to get my languages straight… Italiano? Francais? Deutsch? English?
Ciao, hallo, bonjour and good day! Wow, this week has really turned my brain into mush. I wrote a blog a while back about why learning the language of your exchange country is so important, and that...
View ArticleInside the Brain of an Architecture Student.
In Architecture school, things are particularly overwhelming because there are no rules for ‘right’, only for ‘wrong’. You never truly understand what you have done with a project until it is pinned up...
View ArticleA Students Guide to Keeping Fit through School.
The “Freshman Fifteen”: (noun) – The 15 pounds you gain in your first year of University or College due to the fact that you no longer have home cooked, balanced meals everyday and instead you are...
View ArticleThe process of learning is sometimes better than the degree on the wall.
So there is the well-known vision of standing in front of your family, friends and classmates with a cap on your head and a gown on your shoulders, holding a scroll, a rose and shaking your deans hand...
View ArticleA weekend in away in Cinque Terre, Italy!
So after a week of amazing, 25 degree weather without a single cloud in the sky I really thought summer was just around the corner. It is still much hotter over here in Italia then good ol’ rainy...
View ArticleUrban Planning Project!
Ciao! So I have been writing about things other than my schooling and my own projects lately so I guess I’d better write about something I am doing at school this time! Right now one of the projects...
View ArticlePalio in Ferrara, Italy! 750 Year Old Festival!
Wow, this weekend was a huge step back into renaissance Italy! I have been hearing about this weekend called the “Palio” since I arrived and that there were horse, donkey and running races in the oval...
View ArticleOur BCIT Program Head visits us in Ferrara, Italy!
Ciao everyone! We (the three Canadian students) are pretty lucky that our program head from BCIT is here in Ferrara, Italy to see how our exchange is going! We are the first students from BCIT to be...
View ArticleHow can I describe my Italian exchange in one blog?
Wow, this is my second to last blog and I figure I should maybe try and sum up my academic year and my international exchange to Italy. But how? I don’t even remember what I did two days ago and this...
View ArticleItalian Roadtrip! Summer 2013!
I can’t wait to be finished school here in Italy. Not that I am not enjoying it, I am… It is just that there are so many cities and beaches waiting for me! I have the month of August free this year and...
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